Connect to your own awakening and healing journey.

Medical Medium
Christine Gilhooley

Intuitive reiki healing for individuals and animals

You feel heavy in body, mind, and spirit but nothing you’ve tried makes you feel any better.

You’re experiencing physical pain, dis-ease, or challenges that keep coming back.

You can feel the weight of negative emotions and thought patterns weighing you down, keeping you from living the life you desire.

You know there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing.

If these statements resonate, it’s time to awaken. Self-healing is the key that unlocks the door to serenity.

chakra reiki healing at winter lake

Awaken to your self-healing journey with a skilled medical medium

Lightness of being

Your life can be full of light.

With medical medium and guide Christine, you can be put on the path to self-healing.

While working with medical medium Christine Gilhooley you can:

Release past traumas that reside in your physical body, often hidden from your conscious awareness.

Harness Source energy to empower your own self-healing.

Raise the vibration of your day-to-day life and relationships.

Feel better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Break old patterns and ties to past traumas, freeing your spirit to fly unencumbered.

Whether for you or your animal, working with medical medium Christine Gilhooley will help you connect with Spirit and release the past trauma that is inhibiting your path to serenity.

Medical medium and reiki healing services

  • chakra balancing healer in forest

    For individuals

    A session with Christine is designed to find and release blockages that are preventing you from a full, vibrant expression of your spirit. In your energy healing session Christine’s goal is to detect the underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual root causes of the blockage which can include trauma, relationship difficulties, not following a life path that is desirable, not being your authentic self, being in a job you do not like, and more.

    In order to manifest lasting change, she works with both the conscious and the subconscious to help you find balance in all areas of your life, giving you the freedom to live in complete alignment with your life's purpose.

  • animal communicator for cats

    For animals

    We are guardians of the animals in our lives. Christine is a gifted animal communicator with a deep connection to animals and an ability to tap into their spirits telepathically. Hire Christine as an animal and equine communicator to work on your animal to clear blockages and release negative thoughts and traumas from the animal’s past. This realignment improves the bond between you and your animal.

    Your connection with your animal is profound. Healing your animal will also heal you.

Give the gift of healing.

Kind words from my clients.

Medical medium and animal communicator Christine Gilhooley


Meet medical medium Christine Gilhooley

Christine is an intuitive medical medium and healer, meditation practitioner, and Reiki master on a mission to connect individuals to their own awakening. She is clairaudient, clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient, and clairalient.

 From a young age she has had the ability to connect with people on an energy level and see the emotional blockages holding them back. She helps clients release these blockages (their “stories” as she calls them). People instinctively connect with her through trust and understanding.

Christine’s unique approach:
The Moviato Method

Christine Gilhooley is passionate about empowering clients to go within and heal themselves by focusing on self-care, self-love, and healthy relationships. She does this using her signature Moviato method which nurtures spiritual growth and opens stagnant energy through a combination of music, psychic medical medium readings, and energy healing.

As a clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient, Christine feels, hears, and see information from the spirit world when she works with you. She is able to identify medical issues, pain, and emotional distress in your body. You come away knowing where to focus your healing work.

“Life's experiences and obstacles are part of the journey to be embraced and cherished. Let’s go within and begin healing by focusing on self-care, self-love, healthy relationships and nurturing spiritual growth.”

— Christine Gilhooley

psychic medium pier at lake

Open your awareness and begin your self-healing journey.